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INFOCOM 2005 Tutorial Program

Tutorial Co-Chairs:

Prof. Thomas Hou, Virginia Tech
and Prof. Robin Kravets, UIUC

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Resource Allocation Algorithms in Cross-Layer Designs of Wireless Networks
Speaker(s): Leandros Tassiulas, University of Thessaly, Greece and University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Duration: Half-Day (Afternoon)

Virtual and Overlay Networks
Speaker(s): Joe Touch, University of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute, USA

Duration: Half-Day (Afternoon)

Monday, March 14, 2005

Traffic Analysis for Network Security
Speaker(s): Tom Chen, Southern Methodist University, USA

Duration: Half-Day (Morning)

Advances in Wireless Local Area Networks
Speaker(s): Benny Bing, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Duration: Half-Day (Morning)

Access and Metro Networks
Speaker(s): Hui Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Duration: Half-Day (Afternoon)

Security and Misbehavior Handling in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Speaker(s): Nitin Vaidya, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Duration: Half-Day (Afternoon)

Optimization and Control of Communication Networks
Speaker(s): Steven Low, California Institute of Technology, USA
and Mung Chiang, Princeton University, USA

Duration: Full-Day

Wireless Sensor Networks
Speaker(s): Ian F. Akyildiz, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Duration: Full-Day

Sunday, March 13, 2005, 1.30 PM - 5.00 PM

Title: Resource Allocation Algorithms in Cross-Layer Designs of Wireless Networks
Speaker(s): Leandros Tassiulas, University of Thessaly, Greece and University of Maryland, College Park, USA
Duration: Sunday, March 13, 2005, 1.30 PM - 5.00 PM

Abstract: Wireless technology advances over the last few years lead to sophisticated physical layer designs that may interact with the access and network layer in multiple modes. Link quality related information is passed from the physical layer, to be used in access and network layer actions. At the same time several considerations belonging naturally to the physical layer, like channel coding rate, signal constellation selection, power level adjustments, frequency selection and beam steering in multiple antenna systems are to the disposal of the access layer, that may control them in various time scales. That interaction is particularly useful for full exploitation of the volatile error-prone mobile channel and the establishment of reliable broadband wireless links in the interference limited radio medium. High performance on the other hand is necessary for wireless networks to offer QoS guarantees necessary for the support of the traffic mixture running over the broadband integrated network infrastructure to which the wireless component will be the natural extension. The design challenge of wireless systems necessitates novel models that capture the interactions described above as well as analytical tools for the design of resource allocation algorithms running at the various layers of the system. The focus of the current tutorial will include more specifically the following topics:

  • Review of WLAN and 3G/4G wireless technologies with a focus on their cross-layer attribute
  • Cross-layer models of wireless mobile networks
  • Capacity considerations
  • Downlink and uplink access control as well as access control in ad-hoc architectures
  • Spatial diversity, interaction with access control
  • Transport mode specific issues (unicast, broadcast, multicast, anycast) interaction with access layer
  • Routing in adhoc architectures
  • Joint designs across layers
  • Fluid models, optimal designs computational complexity
  • Impact of mobility
  • Energy efficient designs
  • Implications to WLAN and 3G/4G wireless standards
  • Implications to wireless sensor network architectures

This tutorial is for students, faculty and engineers interested in wireless networking. The focus is on description of models, relationship with various wireless standards, justification of assumptions, description of algorithms and their performance. The attendee is expected to have basic understanding of computer networking and familiarity with performance analysis tools for computer networks. The analysis techniques behind the results will be mentioned only briefly, pointers will be provided to the interested attendees for in depth elaboration.

Biography: Leandros Tassiulas is Professor in the Dept of Computer Engineering and Telecommunications at the University of Thessaly Greece since 2002 and Research Professor at the University of Maryland College Park. His research activity over the last fifteen years is towards the development of communication and information processing networks that facilitate access and exchange of information among multiple entities. Current research and teaching topics include wireless mobile communications, ad-hoc networks, smart antennas, sensor networks, high speed networked environments. He was Assistant Professor at Polytechnic University, NY, 1991-1995, Associate Prof. at the University of Maryland, College Park until 2002 (on leave 2000-2002) and Professor of Computer Science at the University of Ioannina Greece 1999-2002. He obtained the Diploma in Electrical Engineering from the University of Thessaloniki, Greece in 1987, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park in 1989 and 1991 respectively. He has been Associate Editor for Communication Networks for IEEE Transactions on Information Theory and an editor for IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. His research activity received several recognitions including a National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Initiation Award in 1992, an NSF CAREER Award in 1995 an Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award in 1997, a Bodossaki Foundation award in 1999 and the INFOCOM `94 best paper award.

Title: Virtual and Overlay Networks
Speaker(s): Joe Touch, University of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute, USA
Duration: Sunday, March 13, 2005, 1.30 PM - 5.00 PM

Abstract: Overlays provide network architects the ability to customize a network without the overhead of deploying real links. Originally intended as a stop-gap to enable the incremental deployment of new protocols (e.g., multicast), they are increasingly being used for more permanent purposes, including application-specific networks and virtual infrastructure. This tutorial covers the basics of virtual and overlay networks, and how they can be used to simplify applications, network management, and testbed deployment. It discusses the unique opportunities afforded by this capability, the different overlay methods available, how they challenge the Internet architecture, and their current and inherent limitations. Attendees will be provided with sufficient working knowledge to apply virtual networks as a tool in their own research.

  • What is a virtual/overlay net?
    • virtual links, routers, and hosts
    • forwarding, routing, naming
    • compares V/ONs to VPNs and peer nets
  • Related work
    • origins in MBone, 6-Bone, Q-Bone
    • end-to-end (X-Bone, DynaBone, GeoNet)
    • core-based (RON, Detour, SOS, VNS, PPVPNs)
    • multi-layer (VAN, SuperNet, MorphNet)
    • service (GRID, PlanetLab, NetLab)
    • application (A-Bone, YOID, Yallcast)
  • Uses of V/ONs
    • testing new protocols and services, VPNs
    • network abstraction, shared concurrent use, protection
    • analogues in virtual memory
    • impact on future Internet architecture
  • Challenges
    • host/router extensions and multihoming support
    • protocol extensions (routing, network, and transport)
    • naming/addressing extensions
    • support for recursion (V/ONs on V/ONs)
  • Advanced concepts
    • deployment, management, and monitoring
    • supporting recursion, revisitation (one node emulating many)
    • optimizing paths, component placement, topology
  • Future directions
    • integrating V/ONs, VPNs, peer nets
    • uses for infrastructure management
    • convergence of V/ONs and virtual memory

Biography: Joseph D. Touch received his Ph.D. from the Univ. of Pennsylvania in 1992, and has since been at USC/ISI, where he is currently Postel Center Director and a Research Associate Professor in USC's CS and EE/Systems Departments. Joe has been designing overlay systems since 1997, and led the development of multilayer (recursive) overlays, IPsec interactions with overlay dynamic routing, multihomed host demultiplexing, and revisitation. He led several DARPA and NSF projects in overlay networks, including X-Bone (IP), DynaBone (multilayer for fault tolerance), NetFS (OS support), and GeoNet (geographic). He edited the Computer Networks special issue on overlays, authored book chapters on Overlay Networks (Handbook of Internet Computing) and Network Architecture (Grid book), and co-authored a book on High-Speed Networking. He chaired Protocols for High-Speed Networks, Gigabit Networks, and Optical Internets conferences, and is Global Internet 2005 general chair and Infocom 2006 program chair. He serves on the editorial boards of Computer Networks and IEEE Network, and is ACM Sigcomm Conference Coordinator. His other research includes optical Internets, communication latency, web caching, TCP performance, security performance, and high-speed networking.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Title: Traffic Analysis for Network Security
Speaker(s): Tom Chen, Southern Methodist University, USA
Duration: Monday, March 14, 2005, 8.30 AM - 12.00 PM

Abstract: This tutorial will give an overview of how traffic data is collected and analyzed for security applications. The tutorial is organized into three major parts. The first part presents an introduction to various network-based security threats including scans, viruses, worms, spyware, and denial of service attacks. This part is essential background to understanding how these attacks typically generate specific patterns of traffic that is different and distinguishable from legitimate traffic. The second part of the tutorial describes how traffic data is monitored and collected from various points in the network, such as sniffers, routers, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and honeypots. Descriptions will include illustrations with examples of open-source and proprietary software tools. The third part of the tutorial shows methods to analyze traffic data at the packet, flow, and session levels. Interpretation of traffic data to detect intrusions based on known signatures or behavior anomalies is described. Examples of manifestations of scans, backdoors, viruses, worms, and other types of attacks are shown. The topics covered include:

  • Types of Attacks
  • Traffic Monitoring and Data Collection
  • Traffic Analysis
    • IP header analysis
    • TCP and higher-layer protocol analysis
    • Traffic analysis tools
    • Sessions reconstruction and interpretation
  • Signature-based intrusion detection
  • Behavior-based intrusion detection
  • Difficulties and limitations of traffic analysis

This tutorial is for researchers, engineers,and students in the communications field who are interested to learn more about network security for professional or personal reasons. The tutorial will be self-contained, and requires only a basic familiarity with computers and networking. Attendees are not expected to have any formal training or expertise in security.

Biography: Thomas M. Chen is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. He received the BS and MS degrees in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1984, and the PhD in electrical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1990. Prior to joining SMU, he was a senior member of the technical staff at GTE Laboratories (now Verizon Labs) working on ATM research. He is currently the associate editor-in-chief of IEEE Communications Magazine, a senior technical editor for IEEE Network, an associate editor for ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, and past founding editor of IEEE Communications Surveys. He is the co-author of the monograph, ATM Switching Systems (Artech House, 1995). He was the recipient of the IEEE Communications Society’s Fred W. Ellersick best paper award in 1996. His research interests include network security, traffic modeling, network performance, and network management.

Title: Advances in Wireless Local Area Networks
Speaker(s): Benny Bing, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Duration: Monday, March 14, 2005, 8.30 AM - 12.00 PM

Abstract: Wireless LANs became the new wireless revolution at the turn of the millennium, imitating the success of cellphones in the last decade. Such networks combine the power of wireless access with mobile computing, delivering high data rates on unlicensed radio spectrum. In addition, the same high-speed wireless LAN cards can be used virtually anywhere, from the office and public spaces to the home. The increasing popularity of Wi-Fi is seen as a rare bright spot for the communications industry. Currently, the annual revenue has exceeded US$1.7 billion and an estimated 16 million Wi-Fi-enabled computers and other personal computing devices are already in use in the U.S. and overseas. Intel has also incorporated Wi-Fi technology on all of the microprocessor chips it ships, providing tens of millions of desktop, laptop and hand-held computing devices with built-in broadband wireless access. These developments rival the popularity of wired Ethernet networks.

When wireless LANs were first deployed, they give laptop and PDA users the same freedom with data that cellphones provide for voice. However, a wireless LAN need not transfer purely data traffic. It can also support packetized voice and video transmission. People today are spending huge amounts of money, even from office to office, calling by cellphones. With a wireless LAN infrastructure, it costs them a fraction of what it will cost them using cellphones or any other equipment. Thus, voice telephony products based on wireless LAN standards have recently emerged. A more compelling use of wireless LANs is in overcoming the inherent limitations of wireless wide area networks (WANs). Current third-generation (3G) mobile telephony data rates have the potential to increase up to 2 Mbit/s whereas wireless LANs already offer data rates of up to 54 Mbit/s and unlike 3G, operate on unlicensed frequency bands. This has led some technologists to predict that eventually we are more likely to see dense urban broadband wireless LANs that are linked together into one network rather than widespread use of high-powered WAN handsets cramming many bits into expensive and narrow slices of radio spectrum.

This tutorial provides a concise discussion on current and emerging wireless LAN technologies, emphasizing key concepts and underlying principles rather than factual descriptions. In addition, many carefully prepared illustrations are used throughout the tutorial to enhance the textual explanations. By distilling details down to the basic issues needed for intuitive understanding, both serious and novice tutorial participants are able to gain valuable insights into the exciting field of high-speed wireless communications and mobile computing. To encourage tutorial participants to fully explore the topics covered, useful Internet resources and references have been included.

  • Introduction: provides an introduction to wireless LANs, including its evolution, standards and evolving technologies.
  • Fundamentals of Wireless LAN Design and Deployment: covers wireless LAN design and deployment. It will discuss the different classifications of wireless LANs, the physical layer transmission, MAC protocols, network topologies, security, switches, and deployment considerations (e.g., office, home, public hotspots/hotzones).
  • 802.11 Wireless LAN Standards: describes key 802.11 wireless LAN standards, with emphasis on the physical and MAC layers (802.11b/a/g) as well as advanced security (802.11i) and QoS support for multimedia home networks (802.11e).
  • Performance Evaluation of Wireless LANs: covers the main issues for evaluating 802.11 wireless LANs, including key QoS parameters such as throughput, delay, and prioritization.
  • Emerging Research, Technologies, and 802.11 Standards: discusses emerging research and wireless LAN technologies, including high-speed MIMO systems, intelligent wireless systems, wireless broadband access for the last mile (long-range and multihop/mesh technologies), and new 802.11 initiatives focusing on the areas mentioned above.

Biography: Benny Bing is a research faculty member with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He has published over 40 papers, 1 book chapter, 7 books, and was cited in over 80 research publications. His publications have also appeared in the IEEE Spectrum. His book titled Wireless Local Area Networks was adopted by Cisco Systems worldwide in 2000. More recently, his edited book titled Wireless Local Area Networks: The New Wireless Revolution was extensively reviewed by IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Network, and ACM Networker. His most recent book, The Worldwide Wi-Fi, features a foreword from the chair of the IEEE 802.11 Working Group. He is currently an editor for the IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, and has also guest edited for the IEEE Communications Magazine and the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas on Communications, all on wireless LAN technologies. In addition, he was featured in the MIT Technology Review in a special issue on wired and wireless technologies. He regularly consults for the wireless LAN industry and is a frequent lecturer on wireless LAN subjects, having conducted customized on-site courses for Qualcomm Inc. in San Diego, CA and the Office of Information Technology. He has served on the wireless networking panel for National Science Foundation (NSF) and was selected as one of the 10 best wireless designers in the United States by Building Industry Consulting Services International (BICSI), a 22,000-member telecommunication association based in Tampa, Florida. He was invited by NSF to participate in an NSF-sponsored workshop on “Residential Broadband Revisited: Research Challenges in Residential Networks, Broadband Access and Applications”, held on October 2003. In addition, he serves on the technical program committees of several IEEE conferences.

Title: Access and Metro Networks
Speaker(s): Hui Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Duration: Monday, March 14, 2005, 1.30 PM - 5.00 PM

Abstract: Access and metro networks are going through the transition from traditional voice/telecommunication centric architectures to broadband/data centric architectures. There are diverse technologies and protocols (PON, xDSL, WiFi, WiMax, cable modem, SONET, CWDM. DWDM, RPR, ATM, Ethernet, IP, MPLS). Depending on the business and service models of the service provider, these technologies and protocols can be combined in different ways to support a variety of network architectures.

In this tutorial, we will present access and metro networks from a systems perspective. We will first describe design considerations of access and metro networks, contrasting them with enterprise networks and backbone networks. We then present many different business and service models of access/metro service providers, describe alternative access/metro network architectures supporting the business and service objectives, and discuss roles of different technologies and protocols in these architectures. Throughout the tutorial, we will also discuss and highlight open issues and research directions.

This tutorial is intended for researchers and practitioners who are interested in learning the latest developments in access/metro networks, the convergence of data and telecommunication infrastructures, and network design. The tutorial will be self-contained, and requires only a good knowledge and understanding of basic networking concepts. Researchers who want to identify open research problems in the area of access/metro networks will also find this tutorial useful.

Biography: Hui Zhang has been on the faculty of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University since 1995. He is currently leading the 100x100 and End System Multicast (ESM) projects. He has done research on packet-scheduling, multicast, traffic management, admission control and peer-to-peer systems. During 2000-2003, he was the Chief Technical Officer of Turin Networks, a technology company focusing on metro/access networks.

Professor Zhang received the National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 1996 and the Alfred Sloan Fellowship in 2000. Professor Zhang held the CMU SCS Finmeccanica Chair from 1998 to 2002. He served on the Editorial Board of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, ACM Computer Communication Review, and Computer Communications Journal. He was the guest editor of IEEE Network Magazine Special Issue on "Integrated and Differentiated Services over the Internet", and IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications Special Issues on "QoS in the Internet". He was the Program Committee Co-Chair for OPENSIG'99 and IWQOS'00. He has also served on the program committees of most leading ACM/IEEE networking, real-time, and multimedia conferences including SIGCOMM, INFOCOM, ICNP, SIMETRICS, NOSSDAV, IWQoS, RTSS, RTAS, ACM Multimedia, IEEE Multimedia, and MNCN.

Title: Security and Misbehavior Handling in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Speaker(s): Nitin Vaidya, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Duration: Monday, March 14, 2005, 1.30 PM - 5.00 PM

Abstract: Wireless LAN technology is now commonly used in many office and home environments. Ad hoc networking provides additional applications for the wireless technology. A wireless ad hoc network is a collection of wireless nodes that can dynamically form a network without necessarily using any pre-existing infrastructure. Due to the potential ease of deployment, many practical applications have been conceived for ad hoc networks. When designing ad hoc networks, several interesting and difficult problems arise due to shared nature of the wireless medium, limited transmission range of wireless devices, mobility, energy constraints, and potential security risks. This tutorial focuses on the potential for misbehavior in wireless networks. The topics to be covered include an overview of selected protocols for wireless networks, a discussion of certain security hazards and misbehavior, and overview of selected mechanisms to improve security in wireless networks, with an emphasis on ad hoc networks.
Topical Outline:

  • Introduction: Wireless LANs and ad hoc networks
  • Selected MAC and routing protocols for wireless networks
  • Key management in wireless ad hoc networks
  • Secure communication in ad hoc networks
  • Misbehavior at the MAC layer
  • Misbehavior at the network layer
  • Anomaly detection

The intended audience includes students, faculty and engineers interested in wireless networking. Prerequisite knowledge includes understanding of basics of computer networking.

Biography: Nitin Vaidya received the Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He is presently an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He has held visiting positions at Microsoft Research, Sun Microsystems and the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay. His current research is in wireless networking and mobile computing. He co-authored papers that received awards at the ACM MobiCom and Personal Wireless Communications (PWC) conferences. Nitin's research has been funded by various agencies, including the National Science Foundation, DARPA, Motorola, Microsoft Research and Sun Microsystems. Nitin Vaidya is a recipient of a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation. Nitin has served on the committees of several conferences, including as program co-chair for the 2003 ACM MobiCom and General Chair for 2001 ACM MobiHoc. He has served as an editor for several journals, and will serve as the Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing from January 2005. He is a senior member of the IEEE and a member of the ACM. For more information, please visit http://www.crhc.uiuc.edu/~nhv/.

Title: Optimization and Control of Communication Networks
Speaker(s): Steven Low, California Institute of Technology, USA
and Mung Chiang, Princeton University, USA
Duration: Monday, March 14, 2005, 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM

Abstract: An exciting paradigm is emerging over the last decade that applies powerful, recently developed control and optimization theories to the design and analysis of communication networks, touching every ‘layer’ of the layered network architecture, and resulting in significant intellectual and practical impacts. This control and optimization-theoretic framework has three distinctive characters. First, it unifies disparate problems and algorithms in wired and wireless communications and networking and integrates various protocol layers into a coherent framework, including physical layer algorithms that are traditionally treated separately from networking. Second, the watershed between efficiently solvable optimization problems and intractable ones is being recognized as convexity, instead of linearity as previously believed, thus opening up possibilities on many nonlinear problems in communications and networking. Third, some of these theoretical insights and tools are already being put into practice. These accomplishments have also resulted in a keen interest from both academia and industry in systematically learning these new tools for their problems in communication networks. This tutorial will provide a comprehensive treatment of recent results on control and optimization of communication systems.
Tutorial Outline:

  • Self-contained introduction to convex optimization and Lagrange duality.
  • Network Utility Maximization (NUM) models and distributed algorithms. Applications to resource allocation, TCP congestion control, efficiency-fairness tradeoff, and throughput-capacity relation.
  • System stability analysis and feedback control mechanisms. Applications to stabilizing TCP congestion control, FAST TCP, and MaxNet.
  • Protocol layering as optimization decomposition: HTTP/TCP, TCP/IP, TCP/power control, TCP/coding, TCP/MAC, etc.
  • Applications to communication theory problems: signal detection, wireless transceiver design, MIMO beamforming, and DSL spectrum management. Geometric programming and applications to information theory, queuing theory, and power control.

Intended Audience:

  • Faculty and graduate students working on communication theory, and networking.
  • Industry engineers and researchers in the wireless communications sector, and protocol development and network provisioning/design sector.

Biography: Steven Low is an Associate Professor at Caltech,where he leads the FAST Project, and a Senior Fellow of the University of Melbourne. He received his B.S. from Cornell University and PhD from Berkeley both in electrical engineering. He was with AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, from 1992 to 1996 and with the University of Melbourne, Australia, from 1996 to 2000. He was a co-recipient of the IEEE William R. Bennett Prize Paper Award in 1997 and the 1996 R&D 100 Award. He is on the editorial boards of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Computer Networks Journal, and ACM Computing Surveys, and is a Senior Editor of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. His research interests are in the control and optimization of networks and protocols. His home is netlab.caltech.edu.

Mung Chiang is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. from Stanford University. He has also been a consultant to three networking startups and a Principal Member of Technical Staff at SBC Network Systems Engineering. His research interests include nonlinear optimization of communication networks, broadband access network design, and information-theoretic limits of communication systems. He has been a Hertz Foundation Fellow and received NSF CAREER Award in 2005. He is the lead guest editor of IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Nonlinear Optimization of Communication Systems, a guest editor of IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory and IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking Joint Special Issue on Information Theory and Networking, and the Program Co-Chair of the 38th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems.

Title: Wireless Sensor Networks
Speaker(s): Ian F. Akyildiz, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Duration: Monday, March 14, 2005, 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM

Abstract: The technological advances in the micro-electro-mechanical systems and the wireless communications have enabled the deployment of the small intelligent sensor nodes at homes, in workplaces, supermarkets, plantations, oceans, streets, and highways to monitor the environment. The realization of smart environments to improve the efficiency of nearly every aspect of our daily lives by enhancing the human-to-physical world interaction is one of the most exciting potential sensor network applications utilizing these intelligent sensor nodes. However, this objective necessitates the efficient and application specific communication protocols to assure the reliable communication of the sensed event features and hence enable the required actions to be taken by the actors in the smart environment. In this tutorial, the challenges and the existing solutions for the design and development of sensor/actor network communication protocols are presented. More specifically, application layer, transport layer, network layer, data link layer, in particular, error control and MAC protocols, and physical layer issues as well as the localization protocols and the time synchronization algorithms are explained in detail. Open research issues for the realization of sensor and actor networks are also discussed. The overall objective of this tutorial is to provide a global and detailed view at the current state-of-the-art in WSNs/WSANs and present the still-open research issues in this field. The topics covered include:

  • Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Architecture and Protocol Stack
  • Factors Influencing WSN
  • Wireless Sensor Network Applications
  • Application Layer
  • Transport Layer
  • Routing Algorithms
  • Medium Access Control
  • Error Control
  • Physical Layer
  • Localization
  • Time Synchronization
  • Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks (WSANs)
  • Coordination and Communication Problems in WASNs

The intended audience includes faculty, engineers, end users, and students, interested in sensor networks. Prerequisite is the basic computer networking knowledge.

Biography: Ian F. Akyildiz received his BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Computer Engineering from the University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany, in 1978, 1981 and 1984, respectively. Currently, he is the Ken Byers Distinguished Chair Professor with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology and Director of Broadband and Wireless Networking Laboratory. He is an Editor-in-Chief of Computer Networks (Elsevier) and of Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier) Journal. Dr. Akyildiz is an IEEE fellow (1995), an ACM fellow (1996). He served as a National Lecturer for ACM from 1989 until 1998 and received the ACM Outstanding Distinguished Lecturer Award for 1994. Dr. Akyildiz received the 1997 IEEE Leonard G. Abraham Prize award (IEEE Communications Society) for his paper entitled "Multimedia Group Synchronization Protocols for Integrated Services Architectures" published in the IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) in January 1996; the 2002 IEEE Harry M. Goode Memorial award (IEEE Computer Society) with the citation "for significant and pioneering contributions to advanced architectures and protocols for wireless and satellite networking"; the 2003 IEEE Best Tutorial Award (IEEE Communicaton Society) for his paper entitled "A Survey on Sensor Networks", published in IEEE Communication Magazine, in August 2002; and the 2003 ACM SIGMOBILE award for his significant contributions to mobile computing and wireless networking. His current research interests are in Sensor Networks, InterPlaNetary Internet, and Wireless Networks.

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